You Have This Herb In The Garden And You Do Not Know That It Cures Baldness

You have this herb in the garden and you do not know thaRosmaris, also known as summeri rose, has been commonly used by the ancient Greeks who dedicated the plant to the goddess Aphrodite. Nowadays, this plant is called rosemary and it’s still very popular. According to alatest research, rosemary prevents aging and it also works as potent antioxidant agent. It‘s abundant in flavonoids, the compounds that improve the blood flow to all tissues, strengthen the blood vessels, and promote circulation. For that reason, it can be used to treat headaches, to stimulate the hair growth and improve memory. It positively affects the digestive system and the people often use it for treating constipation, indigestion, stomach cramps, and improper absorption of nutrients in the intestine. It’s scientifically shown that rosemary extract is able to stimulate the secretion of bile, the crucial element in the digestion of fats. In 1995 it was conducted a study which discovered that rosema...